I did the unthinkable today…I went ahead and decided to give Listcrawler Review a try. Why did I do it? Well, one person reached out to me and the subject line read: Is Listcrawler-Legit? Guess what, I didn’t know what it was and you’re probably wondering what in the heck this is too. Well, I can confidently say that my time spent on Listcrawler.com was the biggest waste of time ever.
I know, I shouldn’t be looking for escorts but neither should you. In fact, I don’t hire any girls to have sex with me. I simply used this to report my findings. Again, for what it’s worth, I am testing and investigating things just to be able to report them to you. It was perhaps the worst mistake that I made all week. As far as I’m concerned, this site needs to be exposed and shut down. That’s exactly why I’m sharing all the information below. But first, let me answer this and get it over with…What is Listcrawler? It’s an escort listing aggregator.
Listcrawler Escort Directory Gets Exposed Below!
Okay, so the very first thing that happens when you visit listcrawler.com is that they present to you an age verification check. I have nothing against this but it’s the “terms of use” link (located on that page) that I have an issue with.
If you take a look at the terms of service, you’ll quickly realize that this website is willing to feed you to the wolves at a moment’s notice.
What I mean by that is they are willing to provide third parties any and all personal information that you provide them. Whether it be law enforcement, advertisers, FTC, FBI, banks, whatever, they will expose you to them and share your information.
They also mention in their terms of service that their data may at times be breached and unsecure. While they don’t say it like that, they are basically saying that it’s not their fault if someone gets a hold of your personal data.
Did I mention that Listcrawler assumes zero responsibility for any of the escort listings that are posted on the site? You heard that right, if you meet up with a shady escort that robs you blind, it’s not Listcrawler’s fault and they will not do anything for you. It’s 100% on you. I don’t know how you feel about that but I think it sucks.
Getting Into The Site – Listcrawler Review
I went ahead and clicked into listcrawler.com and in doing so I decided to just pick a random city. Actually, I was looking to get into the Listcrawler Chicago section as well as the Phoenix section, but I was blocked because they’ve legit blocked people in those cities it seems. That said, I quickly learned that this site was nothing special and in fact quite dangerous if you ask me.
All this site is really is simply an extraction of a ton of Backpage listings. They’ve scraped classified ads of escorts and are presenting them as if it’s a new listing. Guess what, they’re doing nothing new here and in fact, they are putting you in more harms way than anything since the site operators are so far removed.
Taking a closer look at the escort ads, you’ll notice that they have direct phone numbers listed on the ads. Now, what you don’t realize is that the phone number might not even be real. What I mean is, this listing might not be real.
Just because there’s some good looking girl in the ad, that doesn’t mean that the same girl is going to show up to provide sexual services for you.
They Try To Send You Elsewhere – Listcrawler Review
The more you click around here on this escort site, the more chances you’ll be sent elsewhere. In fact, that’s this sites main objective. They want you to click on either ads or links to send you to sponsored listings.
For example, the “Live Sex Cams” and the “Fuck Now” text links on the right of the page send you to other sites. These other sites are just as bad as this listing.
Site Stays Out Of It
I hate the fact that this site assumes zero responsibility and will not help you if you have a bad experience with an escort. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong but is it not this website’s job to make sure that you have a good time with a girl?
To me, it seems like they just crawl a bunch of ads and list them in one place and that’s it. That is literally all they do. Which tells me that this site sucks big time.
Girls Might Have Diseases
Don’t forget that some of these girls in the escort listings might have serious diseases. What, you thought that you were the only person calling them? I don’t think so! Real escorts have sex with hundreds of men each week.
Seriously, I’m not joking…that many people! Why the hell would you want to risk that? It’s definitely not worth it at all, trust me!
A Better Option – Listcrawler Review
In my humble opinion, a better decision would be to join a casual dating site. Not just any site though, one that connects you with locals looking to have sex. That means you will NOT have to pay them to sleep with you. For example, take a look at all this casual fling site for adults.
I can 100% guarantee that they work. You’ll have a better experience using them versus hiring some scrub escort hoe that’s slept with 1,000 guys this month.
Listcrawler Misspellings & Popular Searches
If you insist on using the crawerlist then you need to know a few things before doing so. First, people spell Listcrawler incorrectly multiple times a day. It’s pretty foolish to think that people looking for escorts can’t spell, but that’s just the way it is. Second, there are lots of really popular searches that people make. I’m talking about hundreds of thousands of people searching for things related to Listcrawler and Escort Alligator girls. Today I’m here to share both of those lists with you.