Anyone who’s ever crossed the Online Dating Profile threshold knows the drill: you trot along doing what seems to be the “easy part,” uploading pictures and happily ticking off the boxes for sex, smoking or non, and your birthday (while only a moment’s hesitation on what year to list) DateMyAge.com as the rest of your mind dreamily wanders to the Prince Charming you hope to be matched with.
Until – BOOM – you reach that dreaded white text box that stares at you blankly, waiting for you to populate it with effortlessly-crafted, clever words that will reveal to the online dating world what a catch you are.
If only it were that easy. Luckily for you, we are revealing five qualities high-caliber guys look for in an online dating profile.
Use these 5 secrets to break that writer’s block and help you craft an online dating profile that can have your inbox flooded with messages from high-quality guys in no time.
1. Let Work Take a Backseat
Dedicating the majority of your profile to your career can send the message that you don’t have time for a relationship, and since you’re on a dating website in the first place I’m willing to bet that’s not the case. Your job may be a huge part of your life and something you are very passionate about, but make sure that your profile presents a well-rounded picture of your personality. He can learn more about that part of your life once he gets to know you better.
2. Write for your audience rather than your best friend, boss or English Prof
Remember, men are visual. Ensure your profile paints a picture in words of what life looks like when the two of you are together. Rather than the usual profile (of which there are thousands), which allude to being the kind of woman who loves long walks on the beach as well as a night out on the town, be specific in describing your life with him in a way that is unique to you and your specific values and passions.
Love traveling? Describe the off the beaten DateMyAge path B and B you wake up in after a day of hiking together. If you are the kind of woman who wants to explore the Michelin star restaurants as you wind your way through the Mediterranean, describe it as if you were there just last week. Remember, even when it feels scary to be too narrow for fear of having less men to choose from, the truth is that you want to target your profile to the exact RIGHT guy for you.
3. Don’t Forget Where You Came From – Online Dating Profile
Most dating sites only allow you to fill out your hometown and current city, so take the opportunity in your written profile to list other places you’ve lived or spent a significant amount of time. It may seem like an unnecessary detail to include, but it offers up a plethora of easy ice breakers like sports loyalties, favorite haunts, or overall a shared love of the area to someone who also has a connection to one of those places.
4. Frivolous Details Are Not So Frivolous
You may feel cliche including favorite movie quotes, song lyrics or even just listing out favorite restaurants, National Parks to explore, or bands you love listening to as you cook dinner together side by side, but cliches exist for a reason. Rather than making you seem like everyone else who is online, including fun details like that will return interest from guys with the same sense of humor or general disposition. Even if you’re not the list-making type, find playful ways to work in those details and you’ll find a bounty of interest from guys who share your taste.
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5. Keep It Light – Online Dating Profile
It’s pretty much a given when you sign up for an online dating service that you’re looking for a relationship, so no need to reiterate that in your written profile. Keep in mind your profile is your first impression, so delving too deeply into what kind of a relationship or guy you don’t want will come across as too intense for even the most serious-minded guys.