Online dating has never been so popular. We can see this on TV and movies: everyone is constantly swiping, flirting, and matching. But how do men fare in the modern world of online dating? We examine some of our extensive data studies to uncover the emotional and practical reality online dating statistics of men who date online.
There are so many interesting dating statistics that it was hard to choose, so we chose the most shocking and myth busting statistics. To understand, here are some of the questions we answered with our online dating statistics on men:
This is hard to answer because “success” is subjective. However, Michael Rosenfeld, a Stanford sociologist, claims that meeting his online partner indicates that he is much more likely to marry them. This is probably because you know a lot about your partner before you meet them thanks to their profile, and you can also select people who share your interests, thus increasing compatibility.
Who uses online dating?
40% of Americans use online dating. Men use online dating more than women, with 52.4% of dating users being men compared to 47.6% of women.
How do men feel about dating and relationships in 2019?
We try to answer how men feel about dating in 2019 below with some of our most interesting online dating statistics. YourChristianDate.com
Online dating statistics revealed.
- Men and marriage
Proposals have always been presented as a male obligation in heterosexual relationships. But, in one of our studies on proposals and attitudes towards marriage, it was found that more than a fifth of men (21%) said that they would actually prefer to be proposed to!
- Men and the kitchen
Surprisingly, men were less impressed when their potential partner could cook compared to women. Only 75% of men said ‘yes’ when asked ‘Do you find someone more attractive if they know how to cook?’ Whereas, a massive 83% of women said it was something they found attractive on a date.
- Paying for dinner – men or women?
A whopping 67% of men and women surveyed said men should pay for dinner, 28% said it should be split equally, and 12% said they should pay for what they eat. A scant 0.8% thought that women should pay for dinner.
So how does this split between gender roles? Surprisingly, it is men who think they should pay more than women, with 82% of men thinking they should foot the bill. And 55% of women agree, but it should be noted that 34% of women thought splitting up evenly was the best option.
- Men and friends
Who do people choose to go to when they have a question about a relationship? 60% of women said they would ask a friend questions about their actual relationships, while surprisingly 66% of men also said they would seek relationship advice from their friends. But almost a third of men prefer to keep it to themselves (32%), and only 16% of women say the same. Interestingly, 11% of people said they would turn to Google, even more popular than asking a family member, which was only favored by 7%!
- Appeal of men and sex
Surprisingly, one of our surveys found that sexual attractiveness is more important for women (60.5% consider it important) than for men (54%).
- Men and mental health
We also asked men ‘if you felt sad, would you talk to someone about it, and if so, who would you talk to?’ Only 28% of men said they would talk to their friends, while 29% named their partner as their main confidante. A substantial 26% of men said they would not talk to anyone.
- Men and emotions
In our survey, we found that while 95% of women answered “yes” to the question “do you think women prefer men who are open with their emotions?” Interestingly, 84% of men responded the same way. That’s right: despite women overwhelmingly stating that they prefer a man who is open about his emotions, 16% of men (about 1 in 6) still mistakenly believe that women find men less attractive than men. emotional men.
We also found that men admitted to crying once every few months, with 27% of male respondents responding this way. 14% said once a week, another 14% said once a month, 17% said they only cry at weddings, births or funerals. 2% of men said they cry every day and a stoic 6% said they don’t cry at all. YourChristianDate
We run a lot of surveys on Elite Singles, but we’re especially proud that our review has highlighted some of the myths about the male gender. In 2019, it’s important for men to feel like they can live and express themselves freely and take care of their mental well-being without feeling pressured to conform to stereotypes.